„Jenseits der Welt“ is the listeners journey into the abysses of the human soul. Between catchy Dark Rock, clever Alternative and heavy guitars, the band rides a tsunami of creativity, that unifies hymnic chorusses and thunderbolt riffing as powerful as never before.
„Jenseits der Welt“ grasps, demands, disturbs and reconciles“, Bassist Don Canone tells happily about his first Unzucht album, „The listener is covered by tons of riffing just to be raised into the sky on the spreading wings on an anthem in the next moment.“ He is right: „Jenseits der Welt“ is a finally built parallel universum of Unzucht. Consequently as never before the band presents its bravest and fullest album – and closes the first decade of a breathtaking journey.
Released Early February 2020 by Out Of Line.
Track Listing:
01. Jenseits der Welt
02. Ich und Du
03. Sonnentod
04. Horizont
05. Misanthropia [feat. Andy Dörner]
06. Chamäleon
07. Nein
08. Unsterblich
09. Monsterfreilaufgehege
10. Frieden
11. Panzerechse