Relive the enchantment of the acclaimed anime series "Magical Angel Creamy Mami" with the reissued LP, "Memory of Creamy Mami," featuring iconic songs from the 1986 release. Transport yourself back in time as you experience the original contents and jacket artwork, just as they were in the golden era of the series.
In celebration of the 40th anniversary, this special edition LP comes in a stunning clear pink vinyl, adding a touch of nostalgia to your collection. Plus, as a bonus, each purchase includes a brand-new B2 poster adorned with a fresh design, making it a must-have for fans old and new!
Originally released on December 21, 1986, this cherished LP has remained a treasured gem of the series. While the sound has been exclusively available on the 2016 "Magical Angel Creamy Mami Sound Memorial CD-BOX," this complete reissue faithfully preserves the magic of the original, ensuring that its timeless melodies continue to captivate audiences for years to come.